
Software developer, ham operator (DH3IKO), allotment holder, ...

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Wie konfiguriert man die deutsche Tastatur unter Linux für einen Mac

Das hat mich schon länger genervt: Manchmal funktioniert die Apple Laptoptastatur unter Linux ohne weitere Konfigurationen gut. Manchmal aber auch nicht. Woran liegt das?

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Hosting Your Own Virtual Server Is Masochism

I am done with this story: You setup a virtual server just to play with it. You install services and then start to rely on them. You start to do backups and stuff since you realize that you are more and more relying on that thing.

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Flappy Bird the original ...

Have you heard about this addictive game named “Flappy Bird”? I just discovered what is claimed to be the original game is was based off:

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